Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Disney Annual Passholder Is It Worth It To Buy The Annual Passholder Pass At Disney?

Is it worth it to buy the annual passholder pass at Disney? - disney annual passholder

I live in MD, but I am in the summer half () and are always 2 or 3 days at Disney in February and August and remain at the site (Beach Club and Yacht Club) is worth it if the purchase annual pass holder? I'm not sure .....
Tell me what you think!

ps I checked how much a ticket is set Day 6 W / no time limit, and it costs $ 310! it would pay for 12 days each year?


davidhob... said...

I had a season ticket for most of the last 4 years. The result is that spending more information about Disney World, nothing less LOL! Why? Because if I were in the parks has already been disbursed, and the owners often spend cuts hotel prices, it is easier for me to go for a weekend in Orlando, or to build a road traveler. I ended up going 4-8 times a year and probably the expenditure 2 thousand U.S. dollars a year longer than the opposite!

The crucial question for which you can change your plan for 6 days straight trip. If you can, then annual pass is not economical. If you go in August and February, the calculation is similar.

Have a great trip! Dave

Daizees said...

If you have several days in the park next year I'd say go for the annual pass. What you will probably notice is that with unlimited access to parks for a few hours in most cases occur when only 6 admission. We use the steps for the weekend, or just pop in EPCOT for dinner. It's much nicer to know that you are not "money" for a day pass ... You can come and go every time ... more often.

ajsmommy said...

If you stay longer than 10 days remain a season ticket is good for you. In addition, less expensive per day, you get the benefits Annual Pass Holder. However, the prior opinion is correct - an annual pass will ultimately cost more in the end because you have more and more money for things like food. At least I can do.

friendly... said...

Expect to spend 12 days with Disney next year?

For me it is about 24 times the recommended dose of my life. Your mileage may vary.

friendly... said...

Expect to spend 12 days with Disney next year?

For me it is about 24 times the recommended dose of my life. Your mileage may vary.

Love me Dead said...

Now you get the value for money. I love the mountains. Everest Ride On its really fun.

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