26 years old with cellulitis and very cold on the right side? - right foot cellulitis treatment
Female 26 years old, the healthy weight is in the treatment against cellulite third (now sup-clav amoxicillin). Since the recipes I have diarrhea 3 to 5 times per day. It seems a bit strange for me to get the infection, of which no. But I had a cold sensation on the right side of my body for a while (the same side) after the infection, I also take Strattera daily. My doctor is scratching his head because it's the first time that I have a rare infection. How can I can not even shovel the snow warm, because my fingers are white in less than 5 minutes. Sometimes I feel so cold feet hurt. Please advise if you can
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I'm afraid I have no advice for you, but I was curious because I have twice the cellulite in my legs. The first time I was in hospital for a month and my leg was three times as big and looked like a glazed ham. They planned to remove him, but intravenous antibiotics were sent home as cured. Thanks to physical therapy for a month. Three weeks later I was hospitalized again for three weeks with the same infection. He was given three antibiotics intravenously and unaboot tub and was sent home. Do you already have a fight, but I've come to recognize the symptoms now so caught up in time. Choose a strong high fever, 106 degrees. So, I'm cold, I'm assuming it's because of the cold fever, I feel in my body. I do not remember much because my fever was so high, do not forget, however, the bubbles and the bubbles and crusts, and then ran on. It took almost six months to heal, and I am covered in scars. I heard a girl in my town that is on your face. She lost an eye and his face was swollen,I could not even move my head. 19 has apparently also taken a pimple on the face and she developed cellulitis on his face, his face swollen and infected and had to leave to drain the infection of the face. It was unclear until now, why, and with my doctor know infected. I say, it is to shave your legs, I do nothing because they do not have more hair. Another doctor told me that I was barefoot. I only know that when I see a spider, a mosquito bite, so I will begin to grow and turn red and blister. Cold bothers me too. This year was particularly bad, because we have four feet of snow have here. Good luck to you. You're too young to suffer this disease. I am 54 and have me mad. I also have extreme diarrhea, but it lays against antibiotics. I hope to make you better. Take care of yourself, and I've found through research on the PC, that some food aid. Stay away from all types of tomato sauces, etc. Eat plenty of fruit and vegies are cheese GOOD. Almost like a diabetic diet. You will actually feel better and drink lots of milk, low fat. It helps your skin and drink plenty of water. No soda, which seems to irritate the skin. I also found that taking Zyrtec every day helps prevents the healing process down, and that the itching as it heals. Good luck!
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